SOseki Natsume’s BOTCHAN The Manga Edition/【セブンネットショッピング】

【ショップ】 セブンネットショッピング

”Filled with light, satirical touches.” ? Donald KeeneReckless but unfailingly honest, Botchan is the youngest son in a middle-class Tokyo family. Following his graduation from college, he takes a job as a math teacher on the island of Shikoku, far from the city. Thrust into this alien small-town environment, Botchan encounters nothing but trouble from his students and fellow teachers. Among his tormentors are the pompous, two-faced vice-principal his fawning sidekick?the art teacher the spineless principal and a pack of brawny, prankster students ? all of whom seem out to get him. Mayhem ensues, but in the end Botchan prevails through honesty and dogged determination.A modern classic, Botchan rivals Soseki's famous I Am a Cat in popularity in Japan. This is the funniest of Soseki's novels, a penetrating portrait of a young man's quest to survive the suffocating hypocrisy of everyone around him while remaining true to his beliefs.Recommended for readers ages 14 and up due to explicit language『坊っちゃん』 (ホーム社漫画文庫)英訳版夏目漱石の代表作『坊っちゃん』英文コミック版。東京生まれの正義感あふれる「坊っちゃん」は、四国の学校に赴任します。個性豊かな教師や生徒たちとの出会い、そしてずる賢い教頭との衝突。わずか1ヶ月の出来事を、坊っちゃん目線のユーモアあふれる語り口で描いた物語です。明治時代の閉鎖的な風潮や権威主義への痛烈な批判、そして真っ直ぐで正義感あふれる青年の成長。単なる青春小説の枠を超え、普遍的な人間ドラマとして多くの人々を魅了し続けています。

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