Maneki Neko The Japanese Secret to Good Luck and Happiness/【セブンネットショッピング】

【ショップ】 セブンネットショッピング

What does ”good luck” look like and how do you achieve it?Lucky symbols,lucky numbers,lucky charms and luck-creating rituals--how is it that a disciplined and hard-working country like Japan is so invested in the idea of luck? And what,exactly,does ”good luck” mean?This insightful book--by a leading expert on the subject--explores the ways in which ”good luck” symbols and rituals in Japan are used in tandem with diligence and a positive attitude to help people overcome life's many twists,turns and bad patches.It explores how customs and beliefs play a vital role in creating positive expectations and outcomes--and includes practical exercises for bringing good fortune and happiness into your own life.With this book,luck becomes a matter of self-understanding and connection to others rather than something that exists outside of ourselves and other people. It is an integral part of life and learning to shape out a destiny for ourselves that we can view with pride and contentment.●『WABI SABI』の著者スズキノブオの新刊●日本人の暮らしの知恵「幸運」の秘密の探究●招き猫・だるま・七福神・絵馬・お守り・おみくじが生活にもたらす効果とは?●「運」とは偶然ではなく「努力」「知恵」「自信」でつかみとるもの●自分の人生に幸運と幸福をもたらすための実践的な演習●より幸せで充実した人生を送るためのヒントが満載!

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