Hiroshima and Nagasaki:That We Never Forget Hibakusha share their/【セブンネットショッピング】

【ショップ】 セブンネットショッピング

※この作品は、全て英語で書かれています。被爆証言集『女性たちのヒロシマ』『男たちのヒロシマ』『語りつぐナガサキ』『家族から見た「8・6」』(いずれも和英併記)の4冊から、英語部分だけを1冊に凝縮し世界に発信。巻末にヒロシマ・ナガサキの被害と核兵器の現状を伝える資料を加えた。戸田城聖創価学会第二代会長による「原水爆禁止宣言」(1957.9.8)から60年を記念して発刊。“Each and every scene was hell itself.” “Human beings do not need atomic bombs.” ? Shigeru Nonoyama, exposed to the atomic bomb in Hiroshima at the age of 15Over 50 hibakusha ? victims of the atomic bombs dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki on August 6 and 9, 1945 ? give vivid testimony of living through the nightmare of those fateful days and their hellish aftermath. Today, more than 70 years later, it is a challenge to keep alive an understanding of the true nature of nuclear weapons and their human toll. This book is a unique resource for those engaged in advocacy and education for the sake of peace.Accounts by women and men from Hiroshima are presented in separate sections, enabling the reader to gain a uniquely gendered perspective of the different ways the bombing affected survivors’ lives.These firsthand accounts give a chilling picture of the horror that nuclear weapons inflict. Survivors describe disfiguring and agonizing burns, and how radiation exposure causes pain, anxiety and discriminatory attitudes that last a lifetime.

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